Campaign Success: Rejuvenation Water

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Rejuvenation Water is a healthy soft drinks brand, stocked in major UK retailers including Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, and Waitrose. The company has successfully raised investment twice on Crowdcube and has raised nearly £300k in total. We spoke with Founder & CEO, Kris Ingham, to find out more about his Crowdcube success story.  

What attracted you to equity crowdfunding?


It was the sense of building a community and trying to get as many of my network and the public involved in the adventure. With the onset of Coronavirus, it quickly became apparent that larger single ticket investors wouldn’t be forthcoming so crowdfunding this time around made a lot of sense.

Aside from capital, how has Rejuvenation Water benefited from crowdfunding?


Crowdfunding, I believe, is partly responsible for the over 300% increase in our online channel growth during Coronavirus. I issued an update with a promo code when we first launched and saw our biggest ever day’s sales on Amazon the same day. This is all part of the wider exposure piece that Crowdfunding brings to the table.

What do you think has been the key to your Crowdcube success?


Being realistic. There have been several companies that have funded at eye-watering valuations in the past, and I think that’s given investors a negative long term experience. I think it’s key to position the campaign and the business as a clear opportunity. A realistic valuation that investors can recognise as an opportunity alongside a clear trajectory to exit.

You launched your most recent Crowdcube campaign during the Covid-19 crisis. How has this affected your campaign? 

You can read Kris’ response, along with others in our dedicated Coronavirus post here.

What would be your top crowdfunding tips?

Engage with your network, not just now but throughout your business journey. You never know who’s quietly watching you and the business progress. In our first crowdfunding campaign, I received over £20,000 of investment from my Facebook connections, some that I hadn’t spoken to in years.
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